4 Fitness Myths to Overcome in Getting fit over 45

Want to know 4 fitness myths to overcome this year. Then read on…

4 Fintess Myths you need to overcome main image

We have all heard these myths, in the gym, from friends, media, or pretty much everywhere. But are they true, well, in truth they may not be.

But don’t take my word for it, read the myths, do the research and find out for yourself. But these are worth looking into, especially if you want to be more fit over 45.

Without further ado, 4 myths fitness myths to overcome in 2018…

MYTH  NUMBER ONE: having as much muscle as possible is the goal. In other words, “I want to get JACKED!”.

I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. You want to build enough muscle to do these things really well.

  • To be able to move the body in  full range of motion.
  • Support your skeletal frame without hampering your full range of motion.
  • Enjoy life and be able to lift, move, play, and be active with greater ease.

I see so many go into the gym with the goal of getting as huge as possible. With no knowledge of what it takes to get that huge, and the toll it takes on your body, and the damage that is done.

It takes a lot of work to be “jacked” or “ripped” all the time. It takes even more work to be huge and ripped. It also takes it toll on your joints, organs, and your mental state.

The best thing you can do is put on enough muscle on your frame that you can enjoy life, move with ease, and do things with less effort.

MYTH NUMBER TWO: Every workout has to be intense or at least more intense than the last workout.

This myth will just leave you trying to make each workout more intense then the previous one. Then what, can you progress infinitely, when does it end? Progressive overloading to what degree? At some point the body will break down.

A better way is to put intermittent stress on your muscles. Incorporate different types of stress from low intensity to high intensity and everything in between.

The goal is to avoid putting to much stress on your muscles (over training them) and lessening the wear and possible tears on joints and ligaments.

Remember the goal it to get fit to live a healthy life, not get massive. If you have any doubt do your research on those who have spent their life getting massive muscles by doing intense workouts.

MYTH NUMBER THREE: If I eat and work out like so and so I will end up looking like so and so!

This one is easy Focus on yourself! No matter how many people you look at, compare yourself to, you will never be them.

YOU ARE YOU, so be the best you that you can be.

Look at others as examples, for inspiration but please focus on yourself. Not two people are alike, in fact you are unique and you will look only like yourself.

So focus on looking the best you can be and dont expect to look like someone else. Develop your own self worth and it will give you back the best body you could want.

MYTH NUMBER FOUR: This is the perfect diet for me, or there is a perfect diet out there I just need to find it.

The truth is diets mostly do not work long term. In fact most people who go on diets fail, and even pack on more pounds.

Focus on adopting a lifelong eating style whether it is Paleo, Vegan, whole foods, low carb, or whatever. Pick a sound nutritional eating style that focuses on eating whole unprocessed foods and your body will do the rest.


These are 4 Fitness Myths to Overcome in 2018, so pick one, and try it. Focus on you, and how you can overcome it. Be the best you can be, learn for yourself, and apply it to your life. You will be surprised at what you can become.