Made a New Years Resolution to Lose Weight? Please Stay out of my Gym!

If I hear one more persons New Year resolution I will explode. Literally, each day my gym fills up with more and more people with good intentions, yeah the intention of wasting money and not following through.

You know who started the “New Years Resolution” business? Yes you guessed it “Big Business” the same people that invented Valentines Day – to sell LOVE, St Patrick’s Day to sell BEER, and perpetuates the Halloween myth to sell a crap load of candy.

Which by the way will ruin your New Years resolution to lose weight!

Ah, the ability to think that a simple declarative statement will wipe away years of bad choices. “This year I am going to get into better shape”. Come on, get real and face facts.

You know you are doomed from the very start. I mean everything is against you, the weight loss industry is a gazillion bazillion dollar business and they only want one thing … to keep you fat.

Losing weight isn’t simply making a statement and poof its gone, it takes dedication, perseverance, and basically…


So hey New Year Resolution makers quit clogging up my gym, and stop starving yourself. You wanna lose weight , then get real. Its hard work, real hard you didn’t put it on in a month so stop believing you can take it off in a month.

Day after day, week upon week and years of dedication to eating well, moving more, and holding yourself accountable.

You want a resolution then try moving your fat butt more and stuffing your pie hole less. Yep that will work. But if this time you are serious then come on in, come over and say Hi. I will give you all kings of encouragement.